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On Friendship/ (Collateral Damage) II  The Guardians of the Door 

June-December 2017


An artistic philosophical project including art installations, exhibitions, performances, round tables, lectures and a publication.


Martin Luther laid the foundation for Reformation; later we have been told that he nailed 95 thesis on the church door at Wittenberg (31-10-1517).

He campaigned and argued against the power and the abusive practices of the Catholic Church, always defending the authority of the simple phrase. 


In 1543, a few years before Luther's death in 1546, he wrote and published "Von den Juden und ihren Lügen", in which he rejected and condemned the Jews. This book played a significant role in his own time, as well as in later time. (Second World War).

In  2017, 500 years after the nailing of the 95 Theses, we are celebrating 500 Years of Reformation. In Germany, one can see that Martin Luther is being celebrated as a superstar, this will no doubt attract in the jubilee year many international tourists.


The New Church in Amsterdam (De Nieuwe Kerk), the Jewish Historical Museum, Stedelijk Museum and Goethe-Institut in Amsterdam have invited the artist Joseph Sassoon Semah to reflect in an artistic, critical manner on Martin Luther's legacy. 


Metropool International Foundation for Art Projects will organize a roundtable to discuss and to reflect on the significance and the influence of Martin Luther's ideas and texts on art and culture, that is in the time period of his life, as well as, in our time. The manifestation will be included religious and non-religious representatives, artists, writers and scientists; they will be asked to discuss and to reflect on the 500 years of Reformation.

2 sketches installation De Nieuwe Kerk


Publication On Friendship / Collateral Damage II -The Guardians of the Door

A publication with valuable contributions of well known scholars. 


* De Nieuwe Kerk: Procession and Round Table, 22 June, 15.00-17.00 p.m.

* De Nieuwe Kerk: opening and performance, 14 July (installation - 27 August      2017)

* De Nieuwe Kerk: Meet the Artist, 30 July, 16.00 -17.00 p.m.

* Amsterdam Jewish Museum: 4 Oktober Artist Talk (Joseph Sassoon Semah en Emile Schrijver; art works - 5 October - 14 January  

* Art Market Budapest - perfomance 12 oktober at the Opening; art works presented by Léna & Roselli Gallery

* Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam: 20,  21 and 22 Oktober 2017 (performances, workshop and Symposium)

* Goethe-Institut: Art works and Symposium with Arie Hartog, Gerhard-Marcks-Haus- Bremen, 9 November -14 Januari 2017



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