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Breathing in Reverse: There is no past or future in exile, only an immediate present

This 'social inclusion' project zooms in on refugees in their new environment. Two artists (Joseph Semah and Harald Geil) will spark a dialogue by sharing their narratives between refugees and locals on the spot (children and adults), with new perspectives through

- artistic actions (performances and multimedia artwork) in European cities and

- dissenmination of the activities through the online portal European Storylines so that contextualization, visualisation and dialogue can be developed and the voice of refugees be heard.


A physical meeting of artists, refugees, migrants and local community in the art projects, combined with the sharing of these in European Storylines gives an axtra voice to the refugees and migrants and put their stories in a topical context, beyond the issues of the day.


European Storylines will grow on a European scale as part of an ever growing strorycload on migration, understanding and European values. Together with you we can present items of the past translated to a present context. We will focus on active European citizenship, democracy, migration and the way Europe is dealing with it. We invite you to add and share stories, dreams, ideas, art and information pertaining to this extra urgent topic of migration to make the voice of refugees strong in Europe.

Performance Joseph Semah, Kochi Biennale, 2012

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